Step Away From The Drama

My former colleague (and good friend) Nancy always told us to "keep our eyes on our own paper" when there was drama. I thought of her when responding to a question in the Account Executive Academy recently.

I've included a screenshot so you can see my new favorite tool in action, PreziVideo. And also a funny face because of too many months in a dining room.

Client service is a team sport and how colleagues are showing up (or not) is adding an extra dash of fun to 2020. Resist efforts to steal your time and drain your energy by anyone who just wants to complain.

Repeat after me. Not my circus. Not my monkeys.

When there's an issue between "Colleague A" and "Colleague B" as there was here, be the voice of reason to determine if the problem was an event or part of a pattern.

The goal? If someone slipped up then we should extend the patience and grace we'd want when (not if) we fall short at some point.

If it's part of a pattern of shortcomings, then energy should be focused on how to professionally give feedback and/or come up with a plan to avoid the issue in the future.

When others resist being productive, and you start hearing the circus music in your head, then that's a good time to tell them you've got to go wash your masks or hands. Or tell them you've got to jump on a call with me and I'll cover for you!

Be protective of your emotional energy. Your family and clients deserve your best.
