I skipped my broker's barbeque for love and margaritas

25 years ago I planned to go to a favorite broker's barbecue. A friend asked me to stop by the Union Street Fair in San Francisco on the way.

I met a guy in the margarita line and he sprung for the fancy signature glass. John and I have been together ever since. ❤️️

Relationships between brokers and carrier partners take twists and turns and there are a lot of variables that go into effective partnerships. 

I've been intrigued (and encouraged) by how many brokers have been watching the replay of my latest Baffled by Brokers session. I suspect it's because they know it's hard getting the right product to the right customer at the right time. They're also curious what advice I'm doling out about them to benefits solutions. 

Missed it? Check it out here and let me know what stands out or what I've overlooked. 

Effective collaboration is more important than ever.

My advice? Stop assuming that there's one right answer or solution. Ask. We're a lot of things, benefits friends, but we're not good guessers. 

What do "brokers" want? It depends. You should ask.

What do "HR and Benefits Managers" want? It depends. You should ask. 

This applies to the complicated events unfolding across the country this week, as well. Don't make assumptions or guess as it relates to diversity & inclusion.

Not sure how to support a Black colleague? It depends. You should ask. Some additional thoughts are here on Linkedin.

I'm thinking about how my coaching would be more effective and impactful if I consistently challenged myself to consider how someone with a different background would interpret my guidance. It's a blindpot for me. I grew up in a household and community where my opinions were always listened to, respected and considered.

I don't have deeper words of wisdom to offer about this chaotic world. But I'm open and curious about how to improve myself and this industry. It's a start. 
