Avoid this mistake when introducing your team to a prospect


Over the last several weeks, I have seen producers and sales leaders making similar subtle, yet critical, errors when they're prospecting. I'd like you to avoid that issue. So hear me out.

It's not uncommon as you progress through the sale cycle up through and at the finalist meeting that you have the need to introduce team members (your colleagues) to the prospective customer. It might be one other person. It might be an entire team.

It's not uncommon that you, as a salesperson or sales leader, want to convey to the prospect that you're not going to disappear. You'll be available in any follow up on an ongoing basis, and you're committed to their success. There's nothing wrong with that sentiment, but often the way it is said can have an unintended consequence of undermining their confidence in your team.

And then there's the next problem.

You're a producer, salesperson, sales leader, wondering why the new customer won't let you go about your business and why they keep "pulling you in" when you introduced a very capable, likable team to work with them.

Here's what I've seen working with a producer, working on my memorable introductions with a sales leader, and then also in exploring the "scene of the crime" with an Account Executive where things have gotten a little bit crossed up post-sale.

When you say something like, "Hey, I've brought my team in and I just want you to know, if there's ever a problem, I want you to call me. If there's going to be a big meeting, I can attend." You're signaling that

(a) Karen's probably gonna screw this up. You and I both know it. You should call me when that happens.

(b) Karen's probably pretty good at running the show here unless it's an important meeting with your board, in which case you'll want to loop me in.

That's not very motivating to the Client Executive, Account Executive, Consultant that you've asked to run the show, and it's confusing to the customer.

So when I would reframe it again, this is subtle, but I think it makes a difference.

"Karen is your lead Client Executive. My role in our organization is to make sure she and the team have everything they need to be successful and partnering with you. She knows to pull me in and let me know if she needs anything to help you accomplish your goals. Similarly, if you and Karen decide that my attendance or joining you at your board meeting or shareholder meeting will be helpful, then I will, of course, make myself available."

See the difference?

You are conveying total trust and confidence in your team and that way in 90 days, 6 months down the road...there's not as much confusion around what your role really is or isn't.

In this chaotic environment in which we're all working in Q4 2020, any time you can be very clear and help your prospective customer be more confident, I think it just benefits everybody.

Do you agree?

Want to improve your introduction? Check out the SHIFT Your Intro Course I built for you to transform your business introduction.
